Yulai Blog


setup jekyll

Debian GNU/Linux and Ubuntu use the apt package manager. You can use it like this: Ruby version 2.2.5 or above $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full 1 2 gem install jekyll gem install jekyll bundler m...

Ubuntu: setting environment variables

Setting Environment Variable Setting values to environment variables 1 2 3 ~ ❯ PORT=3333 ~ ❯ export PORT ~ ❯ export EDITOR=nano Examining values of environment va...

GitLab: Use local docker images without pulling from DockerHub

Use local images without pulling from Docker If you are using local docker image, which is not available on Docker registry It will try to pull from the Docker registry and then fall back to ...

GitLab: smtp setting

GitLab SMTP settings If you would rather send application email via an SMTP server instead of via Sendmail, add the following configuration information to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and run gitlab-ctl ...

GitLab: deploy docker instance

Add the gitlab-run to your docker group 1 2 sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner Build your Docker images Running your application in Docker

Apt can’t see sources? Try changing the User Agent

http://samhassell.com/apt-cant-see-sources-try-changing-the-user-agent/ If you are trying to use apt behind a corporate firewall, try changing the user agent apt is using with wget to load the pac...

Git to do list

#GIT CHEATSHEET Did you ever mess up with Git? What’s the situation you met? ┌─[julian@virtualcentos] - [~/GitHub/coding] - [Mon Nov 30, 09:16] └─[$] <git:(learn-something)> cat .git/HE...

10. Gerrit

Code review with Gerrit Google source Gerrit Review UI git reflog show is an alias for git log -g --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline How to revert a delivery on Gerrit? When and why? How to fi...

07. git branch

Do you have a local branch while you developing? And why? git branch Branching in Git is one of its many great features. If you have used other version control systems, it’s probably helpful to f...

06. git log

How to create tags? What’s the usage of tags? git tag Change-Ids are created at commit time on the client side. When amending a commit with git commit –amend, leave the Change-Id line unmodified...