Yulai Blog


05. git rebase

When and why do you need to do git rebase? All changes made by commits in the current branch but that are not in <upstream> are saved to a temporary area. The current branch is reset to <...

04. git reset

How to undo your commit? git revert vs git reset --hard? git reset HEAD unstage files from index and reset pointer to HEAD git reset --soft moves HEAD to specified commit reference, index and st...

03. git pull vs git fetch

Do you know what has done if you execute “git pull”? git pull vs git fetch git fetch download new branches and data from a remote repository git pull fetch from a remote repo and try to merge in...

02. How to customize your Git?

How to customize your Git? 8.1 Customizing Git - Git Configuration For every user on the system and all their repositories configuration: /etc/gitconfig $ git confi...

01. Tutorial

Tutorial A Introduction from Scott (Youtube) Git Reference (English) Git Reference (简体中文) Pro Git (English) Pro Git (简体中文) Git reference

99. C++ todo list

Boost Random Boost Ratio Boost Range Boost Rational Numbers Boost Regex Reference C++ Programming Language Standard C++ Foundation BOOST GCC online documentation GCC Develop...

08. C++ Lambda expression

Lambda expression N1968: Lambda expressions and closures for C++ Lambda functions @CppReference Boost Lambda Library Anonymous function @Wikipedia C++...

07. C++ Smart Pointers

Smart Pointers scoped_ptr <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> Can’t be copied or moved shared_ptr to be continue…

06. C++ Range-for statement

Range-for statement boost style BOOST_FOREACH iterates over sequences a macro that simulates the std::foreach from C++11 #include <iostream> #include <boos...

C++ Standardization

C++ is standardized by an ISO working group known as JTC1/SC22/WG21. So far, it has seen five versions of C++ released and is currently working on releasing C++17. C++ standards draft on Github ...