Yulai Blog


05. C++ Array

Array <boost/array.hpp> boost::array<int,4> a = { 1, 2, 3 }; std::array is (as of C++11) part of the C++ standard use std::array instead of boost::array if you are using C++11 ...

04. C++ Standard Template Library

Standard Template Library A framework of algorithms and container, Original STL implementation by [Alex Stepanov] and Lee, started around 1992 at HP Labs. Algorithms Containers Functional ...

03. C++ Standard Library

C++ Standard Library defined in the std:: namespace a collection of classes and functions written in the core language part of the C++ ISO Standard itself Implement by GNU: The GNU Stand...

02. C++ Overview

C++ overview Designed by [Bjarne Stroustrup], a Danish computer scientist, starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. is a better C, is a direct descendant of C89 supports data abstraction (C wit...

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You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run je...


Basic Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit. lorem ipsum dolor sit First Header Second Header ...

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